Selected Articles in Journals
- Zhou, H., Margenot, A. J., Zheng, W., Wardropper, C. B., Cusick, R. D., Bhattarai, R. (2023). Advancing circular nutrient economy to achieve benefits beyond nutrient loss reduction in the Mississippi/Atchafalaya River basin. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation.78(4), 82A.
- Goebel, M. and C.B. Wardropper. (2023). Trust and subjective knowledge influence perceived risk of lead exposure. Risk Analysis. 00, 1-15.
- Wardropper, C.B., K. Genskow, A. Lavoie, D. Franklin, E. Usher, A. Wilke, J. Arbuckle, D. Jackson-Smith, L. Prokopy, A. Rissman. (2023). Policy process and problem framing for state Nutrient Reduction Strategies in the US Upper Mississippi River Basin. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 78 (1) 70-81.
- Little, G., P. Kohl, C.B. Wardropper. (2023). Health and environmental protective behavioral intentions for reducing harm from water pollutants. Environmental Management. 72, 587-597.
- Church, S., C.B. Wardropper, E. Usher, L.F. Bean, A. Gilbert, F.R. Eanes, J.D. Ulrich-Schad, N. Babin, P. Ranjan, J.M. Getson, L.A. Esman, L.S. Prokopy. (2022). How does co-produced research influence adaptive capacity? Lessons from a cross-case comparison. Socio-Ecological Practice Research. 4, 205-219.
- Kohl, P.A. and C.B. Wardropper. (2022). Knowledge of majority scientific agreement on anthropogenic climate change predicts perceived global risk better than perceived personal risk. Journal of Risk Research. 25:6, 778-790.
- Wardropper, C.B. and A. Brookfield. (2022). Decision-support systems for water management. Introduction to Special Issue in Journal of Hydrology. 610, 127928.
- Fanok, L., B.J. Beltran, M. Burnham, C.B. Wardropper (2022). Use of water decision-support tools for drought. Journal of Hydrology. 607, 127531.
- Wardropper, C.B., L. Esman, S. Harden, Y. Masuda, P. Ranjan, C. Weigel, P. Ferraro, L. Prokopy, S. Reddy (2022). Applying a fail-fast approach to conservation in US agriculture. Conservation Science and Practice. 4(3), e619.
- Wardropper C.B., J.P. Angerer, M. Burnham, M.E. Fernandez-Gimenez, V.S. Jansen, J.W. Karl, K. Lee, K. Wollstein. (2021). Improving rangeland climate services for ranchers and pastoralists with social science. In special issue on Climate Decision Making, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 52, 82-91.
- Wollstein, K., C.B. Wardropper, D.R. Becker. (2021). Outcome-based approaches for managing wildfire risk: Institutional interactions and implementation within the gray zone. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 77 (101-111).
- Weigel, C., S. Harden, Y. Masuda, C.B. Wardropper, P. Ferraro, L. Prokopy, S. Reddy. (2021). Using a randomized controlled trial to develop conservation strategies on rented farmlands. Conservation Letters. 14, e12803.
- Wardropper, C.B., A.A. Dayer, M.S. Goebel, V.Y. Martin. (2021). Conducting conservation social science surveys online. Conservation Biology. 35(5), 1650-1658.
- Lavoie, A. and C.B. Wardropper. (2021). Engagement with conservation tillage shaped by “good farmerâ€Â identity. Agriculture and Human Values. 38, 975-985.
- Lavoie, A., K. Dentzman, K., & C.B. Wardropper. (2021). Using diffusion of innovations theory to understand agricultural producer perspectives on cover cropping in the inland Pacific Northwest, USA. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 36(4), 384-395.
- Church, S.P., K.M. Floress, J.D. Ulrich-Schad, C.B. Wardropper, et al. How water quality improvement efforts influence urban–agricultural relationships. (2021). Agriculture and Human Values 38, 481-498.
- Rissman, A.R. & C.B. Wardropper. (2021) Adapting Conservation Policy and Administration to Nonstationary Conditions. Society & Natural Resources. 34(4), 524-537.
- Awad, K., A. Maas, C.B. Wardropper. (2021). Preferences for Alternative Water Supplies in the Pacific Northwest: A Discrete Choice Experiment. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 147(4).
Journal Editorships
- Society and Natural Resources, Associate Editor
- Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, Editorial Board Member